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Annual Report

The GSDCV 2023 Annual Report was presented to the AGM on Sunday March 24th. It is a record of our Club’s activities throughout the year. View … Read More

SGM documents

The GSDCV Special General Meeting to be held July 3rd at 1.30pm at KCC Park GSDCV Clubrooms, agenda attachements can be viewed here Agenda Special General … Read More

Annual Report

The 2021 Annual Report of the GSDCV, presented at the AGM on marhc 20th is available to read here 

GSDCV AGM update

NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS of GSDCV With the interests of our members health and wellbeing in mind, the GSDCV Management Committee have made the following changes … Read More

2017 Annual Report

The GSDCV 2017 Annual Report, presented to the Annual General Meeting on Sunday March 25th 2018 is now available. Read the report here. Members can access … Read More

AGM & Award News

The GSDCV 2018 AGM was held on Sunday March 25th. Congratulations to the incoming executive of the GSDCV. President: Tony Mercieca Vice President: Frank Moody 2nd … Read More

SGM Agenda Docs

The GSDCV Special General meeting will be held on Sunday January 28th, 1.30 pm at KCC Park. The relevant documents are below. Note: The Agenda details … Read More

2017 AGM News

At the AGM, the following were elected as the Executive members of the GSDCV. They are joined by the 11 Branch Managers to form the GSDCV … Read More

2016 AGM News

2016 GSDCV Executive At the AGM, the following were elected as the executive members of the GSDCV. They are joined by the 11 branch managers to … Read More

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