GSDCV Club Awards

Recognition of service and membership are important aspects of the GSDCV club, without whose member support our club could not operate.
The German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria has very specific guidelines regarding club awards, recognition of service for committee members and instructors, and for length of membership.
Together with the prestigious Life Membership, Outstanding Service Award and Special Recognition Awards, each year nominations open in order that outstanding individuals who have contributed to our club can be recognised.
Full details of all awards can be found in the attachment below.


The following people have been awarded Life Membership of the German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria, in recognition of their outstanding service and contribution to the Club and its members


The following people have received Outstanding Service Awards from the German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria, in recognition of their contribution to the Club and its members

Tom Luxton (dec. 2017) Wally Szillat (dec. 2019) 1983
Tom Fitzgerald James Rodger (dec. 2018) 1987
Reene Hayman (dec. 2018) Margaret Valastro (dec. 2000) 1989
Ted van Bael (dec.) Margot Haines (dec .2003) 1989
Anita Pettenhofer 1983 John Hodges (dec. 2020) 1990
Anne Watts 1983 Frank Valastro (dec. 2017) 1990
Norm Watts 1983 Vince Tantaro 1991
Karl Heyne 1984 Mark Morris (dec.) 1991
Bonnie Gascoyne (dec.) 1984 Marilyn Wrigley 1991
Wally Szillat (dec. 2019) 1988 Frank Moody 1992
James Rodger (dec. 2018)  1988 Felicity Stehlik 1992
Fran Farley 1989 Julie Hollingworth 1992
Margot Haines (dec. 2003) 1991 Fran Tantaro 1993
John Hodges (dec. 2020) 1994 Barry Newson (dec. 2020) 1993
Marilyn Wrigley 1994 Chris Hollingworth 1993
Fran Tantaro 1995 Terry Shaw  (dec.) 1994
Vince Tantaro 1995 Kerri Coombes 1994
Ian Cameron (dec. 2018) 1996 Andrew Saliba 1994
Ron Orchard (dec. 2017) 1997 Rudy Petrella (dec. 2017) 1994
Chris Hollingworth 1997 Val Moody 1994
Frank Moody 1998 Chas Humphries 1995
Val Moody 2000 Ben Glasheen 1995
Margaret Valastro (dec. 2000) 2000 Bernie Lester 1996
Bernice Ryan 2001 Phil Vincent (dec. 2018) 1999
Richard Atyeo (dec. 2003) 2002 Alan Adams (dec) 1999
Ian Urie 2004 Dom Cafari 1999
Louisa Rodger 2006 Ian Holden 2000
Ian Holden 2006 Anne Franklin (dec.) 2000
Rudy Petrella (dec 2017) 2007 Ian Urie 2001
Dom Cafari 2008 Judy Levron 2001
Ben Glasheen 2008 Mandy Scrivens 2002
Bernie Lester 2009 Karol Cukierman (dec) 2002
Graeme Jacobs (dec. 2016) 2009 David Hynd 2002
David Berry (dec. 2021) 2010 David Berry (dec. 2021) 2003
Andrew Saliba 2015 Louisa Rodger 2003
Jenny Yuen 2016 Graeme Jacobs (dec. 2016) 2004
Jacinta Poole 2017 Anne Franklin (dec.) 2006
Vince Ebejer 2019 Jenny Yuen 2009
Julie Urie 2010
Julie Jordan 2014
Dearne Jackson 2014
Vince Ebejer 2018
Barbara Blythe 2019
Gillian Cafari 2019
Ken Smith 2021
Fiona Henderson 2023
Jo Mee 2023


Office Bearers

A full list of the Office Bearers of the GSDCV (since 1945) are detailed in the following attachment. These individuals have served the club with distinction and we are appreciative of their efforts

GSDCV Office Bearers History to 2021

Branch Officials

A full list of Branch Officials who have served at Branch level (since 1977) is also attached. Without the efforts of these members, our branches would not be where they are today and we thank them for their contribution to their own branch members and to the Club

GSDCV Branch Officials History to 2021