The Process of Getting Your Dog’s Hips and Elbows X-Rayed

If you want to participate in any German Shepherd Dog Council Schemes that are conducted for and on behalf of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia, you will need to have your dogs hips and elbows x-rayed.

Read the articles below for detailed information on the process and steps involved in arranging and having your dog x-rayed.

You will need to contact a GSDCV HD registrar to obtain the relevant contract forms and documentation to begin the process. This involves payment of a fee, which is currently $77.00 (from 1.7.24).  All details are in the document below “how do l get my dog hip and elbow x-rayed?”.

GSDCA X-ray requirements

How do l get my dog Hip and Elbow x-rayed ?How-do-l-get-my-dog-Hip-and-Elbow-x-rayed-2024

“What price a normal hip?”

This article, written by Karen Hedberg BVSc, gives a detailed account of hip displaysia – its signs, symptoms and treatment. The GSDCA Hips and Elbows schemes are in place to reduce the incidence of hip dysplasia within the breed

What Price a Normal Hip?

HD/ED Readers

For those owners that have x-rays waiting to submit for assessment, you can SUBMIT ONLINE Here or forward paperpwrk and xrays to your preferred reader:

Dr. R Lavelle 
PO Box 25,
Dr J L Richardson, 
PO Box 3477
Broadway Nedlands LPO,
WA 6009
Dr. Ana Hayes
P.O. Box 36
VIC. 3133

GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme: Breeders and Owners Please note
Please ensure that your veterinarian is aware of this requirement, as documented on the GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme Application form under “Advice to Veterinarian” which reads as follows:-
“Computer Radiography Generated Images (Digital X-rays): For computer radiography generated images (digital x-rays) to be accepted by the GSDCA Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme, the images must be of a high quality and saved as DICOM Images. (i.e. .dcm extension)”