Facts & Features

Learn interesting facts & features on German Shepherd Dogs


The skeleton

Principle bones:
01. Paretial bone
02. Occipital protuberance
03. Frontal bone
04. Temporal bone
05. Zygomatic process
06. Cheekbone
07. Upper jawbone
08. Lower jawbone
09. Vertebrae
10. Shoulder blade
11. Humerus
12. Sternum
13. Radium
14. Ulna
15. Carpus
16. Metacarpus
17. Phalanges
18. Vertebra coccygea
19. Iliac bone (ileum)
20. Femur
21. Patella
22. Tibia
23. Fibula (calf bone)
24. Calcaneum
25. Tarsus
26. Metatarsus
27. Phalanges
28. Ribs

German Shepherd Dog Proportions

The vertical line represents the height at the shoulders, which should be measured using a special measuring stick for dogs, placing the animal on a solid floor.
The horizontal line represents the total length of the trunk which the German Shepherd varies between 111% and 125% of its height at the shoulders.














German Shepherd Dog Correct Angles