Breeder or Stud Dog Directory

Application to be listed in the GSDCV Inc. Directory
Complete this form for convenient online submission of your Breeder or Stud Dog Directory Form.
A hard copy of this form for posting is still available here if you prefer.
Once received and verified, your details will be listed in the relevant GSDCV Directory.
(Please complete all sections and select appropriate options where applicable. Note: Submission will not be listed unless this form is completed correctly and the Declaration accepted)

Breeder or Stud Dog Listing Application Form

  • List the microchip numbers for dog. This is a government requirement.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I declare that this application complies with the requirements of the GSDCV Listings Regulations - (1) The Dog/Bitch was classified at Breed Survey. (2) In every respect relative to this dog I will comply with the requirements of all VCA, GSDCV and GSDCA Codes of Ethics, Codes of Practice, and Breeding Guidelines. (3) I agree to my kennels being inspected, if necessary, in accordance with the GSDCV Kennel Inspection Regulations. **** By accepting the above declaration, you confirm your compliance with the GSDCV Listing Regulations.